FasterUP AI Border Defense

The FasterUP AI Border Defense is a resiliant solution that running a series of processes and applications such as IDS, IPS, NSM, VAS. Automation – RPA is the execution of defensive processes, driven by Artificial Intelligence algorithms, with the objective of detecting and neutralizing cyber attacks.


FasterUP AI Border Defense implements a complete signature language to match on known threats, policy violations and malicious behaviour. FasterUP AI Border Defense will also detect many anomalies in the traffic it inspects and is capable of using the specialized Emerging Threats Suricata ruleset and the VRT ruleset. A single FasterUP AI Border Defense instance is capable of inspecting multi-gigabit traffic. The engine is built around a multi threaded, modern, clean and highly scalable code base.

Network Security Manager

FasterUP Network Security Manager helps network administrators ensure a smooth, controlled operation of complex networks by accurately managing the many different connected devices that compete to access the Internet. It provides an intuitive Web-Based graphical interface to control how the available Internet bandwidth is used among the devices. The maximum download and upload bandwidths can easily be policed for any device with just a handful of clicks.

Vulnerability Assessment Scanner

FasterUP UTM – VAS is a full-featured vulnerability scanner. Its capabilities include unauthenticated testing, authenticated testing, various high level and low level Internet and industrial protocols, performance tuning for large-scale scans and a powerful internal programming language to implement any type of vulnerability test.

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7 Soldat Neagu Florea St.
sector 2, Bucharest, Romania